In our bone setters office, we have a fully qualified therapist who can speak English. (He holds the National Qualifications for acupuncture and Judo therapist) So if you are looking for a place providing quality acupuncture or manipulative therapy in English,then our clinic is able to help you. We can provide the medical treatment and explanation in English.
We can also accept foreign patients involved in traffic accidents in Japan that require treatment or rehabilitation . The Japanese automobile liability insurance system applies to foreigners as well. In the case you are victims of a traffic accident, you would be able to undertake the care and physical treatment free of charge. The insurance will cover these associated costs. If you have any questions regarding acupuncture, manipulative therapy or any rehabilitation that resulted from a traffic accident, please feel free to contact us. Thank you.
Aotea bone setter and aqupuncture office
3-5-31,Oze, Yashio-shi,Saitama-ken,JAPAN
TEL 048-934-9332